

ML1808 is an intranasal anti-dementia drug.
It suppresses not only Aβ oligomer but also tau oligomer and oxidative stress by using 2 active ingredients: rifampicin(RFP) and compound X.

ML1808は、2つの有効成分(リファンピシン、compound X)が、Aβオリゴマー、tauオリゴマー、酸化ストレス産物の生成を抑える、アルツハイマー病発症予防点鼻薬です。

Intranasal rifampicin for Alzheimer’s disease prevention
Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 4 (2018) 304-313
picAlz & Dement Transl Res Clin Interv2018

Rifampicin is a candidate preventive medicine against amyloid-β and tau oligomers
BRAIN (2016) 139; 1568-1586
picBrain 2016

Rifampicin inhibis the toxicity of pre-aggregated amyloid peptides by binding to peptide fibrils and preventing amyloid-cell interaction
Biochem. J. (1997) 322, 859-865
picBiochem J 1997

Inhibition of Amyloid β Protein Aggregation and Neurotoxicity by Rifampicin
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 271, No. 12, Issue of March 22 (1996) 6839-6844
picJ Biol Chem 1996

Rifampicin prevents the aggregation and Neurotoxicity of amyloid β protein in vitro
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, vol. 204, No. 1 (1994) 76-83
picBBRC 1994
